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My calico


Our calico is a house cat. We only have one. She's typically a friendly, playful, outgoing cat, who isn't at all shy. She loves to come out and sniff everyone's belongings, and everyone, and loves the attention. Many friends who are dogs and/or cats owners have come over to the house, and she has never had any problems with. But there has been two particular friends of my daughter's who have come over whom owns 2-3 cats, that she has problems with. She'll sniff their belongings (i.e., shoes, bag, purse, etc.) and begin to hiss and growl. When this happens, we usually lock her up in one of the bedrooms until my daughter's friends have left. I hate to have to lock her up but not sure what is making her act this way. Is there a particular breed of cat's that a calico may not agree with? The owners comment that they have 2-3 cats and that they are all spayed/neutered.


Cats rely on smell more than anything else. And like people they have smells/cats that they don't like for whatever reason they have in their mind. Only the cat knows why she behaves like that with those people so don't strain yourself trying to figure it out.

If she is just hissing and growl with no physical reaction (scratching or biting/attacking the visitors) then just ignore her.

There is a product called Feliway spray and Feliway plug-in defusers. The scent has calming properties and reduces stress in cats. Spritz a bit on the vistors ankles and bags/purses (whatever the cat is growling at) and give the cat at least 60 seconds of sniffing this before you try to interact with her. Many veterinarians use Feliway in their clinics prior to handling upset kitties. You can find the product at Petco/PetSmart, vet's offices, or on-line. It does not have an odor to humans.

I hope this helps.