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Eating litter


Hi Karen,

I have a 10 year old cat who recently started a habit which I'm sure is not healthy! She has begun eating litter off the floor. This is clumping litter that has spilled out the box during covering, and has not been used. This cat does have arthritis, and a sensitive digestive system (sensitive to certain foods and prone to constipation). What would cause a cat to eat litter? Is she trying to replenish something missing in her diet? My major concern is that this will cause more harm than good as well! What can we do to help her? Any advice is helpful! Thanks!

Hi Michele,

You need to take your cat to the vet for a checkup. A lot of times eating litter is a sign that a cat is anemic. Have her checked out. As for ingesting the litter, unless she is ingesting large quantities, it shouldn't harm her.
Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen