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Kitten runns only 8wks old

20 16:46:10

I have an 8wk old male kitten with the runs.I would like to know if thats caused from worms and what I can do to stop it till I can get him to vet

              Yhank You

If you have changed his food recently, the change can be harder for him to digest and give him the runs.  If possible, change him back to the old food until you can get to the vet.  Worms are always a possibility, and he will probably be checked while at the vets, but he's so young, I don't know if he can be born with them or not.  Is he eatting regular kitten chow, formula, or canned?  If he's going from mother's milk to a kitten food, that might be your problem.  Don't feed him a whole lot.  And if that doesn't work you can always call the vets office and ask them what to do for the runs.  Let me know how it goes.