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weeing on curtains


I have a 4 month old male cat, he's been really good at using the litter tray having only one accident on his first day at home.  
However I've been smelling something for about 2 weeks in the living room and have finally discovered it's on my long curtains that trail on the floor (the window only comes half way down so he can't see out of the window from that position#.  I've just taken the curtains down and am cleaning them - I couldn't believe the colour of the water, so I'm not sure how long he has been doing this.  Also he went a bit crazy when I took the curtain away, jumping up my legs and biting my jumper!  #he's usually very loving#  and he keeps pouncing on me now #I took the curtains down about an hour ago)  So please advise how I stop this, should I leave no curtains there for a while?  I've read somewhere that they don't like citrus scents so I'm planning to clean the carpet with something like that.  He isn't neutered yet, I plan to do that when he reaches 6 months.
Any tips would be very much appreciated.

ANSWER: Kerri,

First of all, he needs to be neutered, now!!!!!!!!!! Young males can be neutered as early as 12 weeks as long as they weigh at least pounds!  

You can go to your friendly neighborhood pet supermarket or farm store. They usually carry all kinds of products for getting rid of cat stains and cat odors.

As far as keeping them from spraying where they should not, I have yet to find a cat repellent product that really works (no matter what the hype).

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Norm!
I'm in the UK and can't find any vet that will do it in my area.  They all say they'll do it from 6 months :(  But maybe i'll search harder, I know he's a good weight for his age.  Since taking the curtains away, i'm watching him closely and so far he doesn't seem to have done anything anywhere else and I can' smell anything at the moment (but I don't trust him! lol) Bought a cleaning product that is supposed to eliminate odours, we'll see what happens.
Thanks very much for your advise.


Here is a reference for any vets you may want to contact.

Sometimes the vets will do a procedure when a proper reference had been provided.

At worst you may have to wait until he is 6 months of age.

Best regards... NOrm.