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my somewhat lazy cat ran around bashing into everything


Hi my cat is about two I believe. The other day he was eating and suddenly started running between rooms while running into furniture and walls hard and on purpose. (like a fish in shock) I seriously thought he was going to end his life. Ive never seen him this way. I think something scared him but idk what set this random act off. then  he hid for an hour and refused to come out even for treats. we changed the food in his bowl and checked his teeth. no bleeding anywhere. I thought I was going to lose my cat to this freak out. he doesn't have a cat freak out routine so I'm really concerned. something wasn't right. I'm really scared. he seems normal now though. We cuddled him to let him know he was safe and he started acting normal. he also seems more cuddly. Maybe he's just openin up
more now though. We've had him for about five months.

Hi Angeline,

I think you figured out what happened. Sounds like he did get scared. Check out the area you feed him in and see if you can see outside. If you can so could he. He may have seen another animal out there. You did the right thing. Calming him down that way was the best thing you could have done. He is more cuddly now because he looks to you as his protectors. The only other thing I would do is make sure he can't see out where he eats. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen