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My cat wont stop meowing!!


To make my story, very, very short. I will start with the fact that he meows at everyone as soon as they get up. They then tries to make that person follow them into the kitchen. You may say that he's trying to communicate that he's hungry...but I know my cat.

A few months ago I had lived with my ex boyfriend, there my cat would lead us to his food bowl, which sometimes had food in it.. We had a scheduled feeding for him, but little did we know that when he would meow, my ex's sister and mom would feed him. He got very overweight and went on a kitty diet. He was able to go outside and play, and his house was a decent size, no he wasn't really bored.

Now I am back in with my grandma, mom, sister, and my sisters boyfriend. Things are very different for my cat. My sister has her cat, which is the brother of mine (both males, and both fixed) they get along great. They play with each other sometimes, but my cat never plays with toys like he used to.. Instead he bothers everyone by meowing and leading them into the kitchen even if he just ate!! I don't feed him, and I tell my grandma and mother not to either but they do it anyways! Saying he is hungry...well this may be, but I think the problem is deeper. He used to sleep with me every night at my ex's, but sense I moved in here he can't be allowed in the room I share with my sister. Her bed is right below the window and he wants to look outside of it, and sense he goes outside the dander makes her sneeze. He meows all the time like he needs something. I give him attention, and sometimes when he meows I go over to give him love and he runs away!! I let him outside because I figure he's bored, but sense we saw him in poison oak i'm trying to make that stop.

I'm sure I left out some details, any other questions that can help i'd be happy to answer. I'd like to figure out whats wrong and make him stop. Could he have anxiety or something?


It appears that someone had indulged your boy by feeding him whenever he meowed. So, he now figures if he meows he will get additional food. The problem is that once they learn the behavior, it is almost impossible to get them to unlearn it.  So, as hard as this may be, everyone needs to ignore the meowing. When he starts it up make pretend he does not exist. If he stops meowing for a while reward him with some attention.

Cats are nothing, if not persistent, so we are talking about a very long time to, hopefully, overcome the behavior.

I am sorry there is no easy fix with this one, but, as I said, the best human reaction to the meowing is no reaction at all.

Please let me know if you have more questions.

Best regards... Norm.