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Indoor trees that are safe for cat


I would like to get an ornamental indoor tree that is safe for my cats.  I have checked the ASPCA list for non-toxic and toxic plants, and none of the varieties I've looked into are on either list.  Specifically, I'm wondering if fig trees (Ficus) and Norfolk pines are safe.  Thanks so much for any information you can provide.

Hello Heather!

Back to the drawing board, sorry. Both trees are on toxic list. Norfolk Pine is listed as only 'moderately toxic'. Which means it will make a cat very sick, but it is not fatal.

I am including a link that has a good list of toxic plants, etc.

If you come up with something that is not on that list let me know, I have a lot of different lists of toxic, non-toxic, and marginal plants. Sometimes something is listed on one list but not another.

That is so nice of you to be aware of the possiblity that a plant may be toxic for your cats. I wish everyone was so caring.
