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bangle kitten behavior


Hi Teresa,
this is the first bangle kitten I have owned. I got it from my daughter who paid $600.00 for the mother. The kitten is beautiful, but he is very crazy as in fast, bites and scratches. I know kittens play alot, but will he calm down and become calm and lovable. I have a 2 yr old granddaughter that loves to play with Taz, but I worry that he is too much for her. Any advise would be helpful. Thank  you, Sherry

Hi Sherry, do you mean a BENGAL?? kitten?? If it is a Bengal then they have some wild blood in them and you must be quite firm with them as kittens. You need to be very consistent just as you were when you raised your children. And if she gets rough when playing it is important to let her know that that is not OK ! You can give her a time out, give her a gentle shake on the scruff of her neck or just stop playing with her or moving any limbs right away and try to redirect her to a toy to play with. The fishing rod type of toys are the best for this and quite suitable for a 2 year old to use with him ! If he gets to know the rules  at a young age he should turn into a lovely adult for you.  good luck, teresa