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my cat just had babys


my cat just had baby's yesterday (6 of them) and she still cares about them she will check on them and lay with them but she keeps getting up and coming to me and meowing i don't feel shes spending enough time with the baby's any other cat that I've had in the past has stayed with the kittens all the time how come this one isn't? and how come she keeps coming to me meowing? can you help?

Hi Crystal, She could be restless for several reasons. Is she a young mom?? Some young cats are very nervous with their first litter and want you around to help them out. Did she pass all of her afterbirths? If she has retained an afterbirth or even a 7th kitten she will be very restless and uncomfortable and will need veterinary help.
Are the kittens ok?/ Are they healthy and nursing? If there are any problems with any of the kittens she will be anxious and wanting you to be with her.