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Cat Tumor or Abcess


Hello there...
I took my Cat in to see the Vet sometime in November because I noticed a lump the size of a quarter on her chest...
The vet said it could be a tumor or an abscess
(we have a new rowdy male 1 1/2yr old cat) but because of her age (19) he was leaning towards a tumor.

Well.. this past Saturday the lump burst
It's now cleaned and the family has noticed that she's starting to eat... a lot

I'm cleaning the bandage on her 3 times a day and giving her antibiotics orally...

Okay well my questions is this
Should I euthanize my cat?

She doesn't seem to be in pain
of course I'm not her
I'm just judging by she's not meowing or crying
She's eating... pooping.. peeing
She has no diahrea or vomit
She jumps onto the bed, chair and into the bathtub.
She's really just a normal kitty at this point...
with a large quarter sized crater on her chest

I guess my question is more
can a cat live comfortably like this?  

I don't think you should put her to sleep at all at this point.  Her quality of life seems good.  You should ask your vet what he thinks about a product called Granulex.  

When wounds are so gaping like in this situation, it makes it hard to heal.  There's nothing to connect one side to the other.  Granulex is an antibiotic that helps build granulation tissue - the first stage of healing which will eventually lead to a scab and then to scar tissue.  My vets always prescribe this for this type of wound.