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My kitty is the RUNT but having some problems


Wooddro is about 6 months old. I brought him from like a pound. Even thou he was cheaper, I felt soory cause no one wanted him cause he was a runt. Well we got him and now he sneezes all the time and has like a nose thing going on to like when he sneezes, sometimes clear snot comes out.But he sneezes alot. He's eating and playing but also gets hairballs real bad, I give him butter and 9 lives cat food that helps with the hairballs(well is suppost to) and him being the runt, he takes alot of dumps thur the day, alot and he will be sitten beside and fart and oh my god it makes ya sick lol and when he uses the bathroom it smells so bad, so bad, It wants to make u plug your nose seriousley. Will he always be that away, it smells so bad sometimes I think about getting rid of him, but I dont think I could cause I love him, but Please let me know some anwsers soon, thanks amanda PS and if u can send me an e-mail about this cause I wont be back on this page only on my e-mail PLEASE, THANK YOU!!!!!!

Hi Amanda,

I can't e-mail you back because you didn't give me your address. But I can help you with your problem. You need to feed your little one a higher quality cat food. Try feeding him Purina One. See how he does on that. A lot cat foods have fillers in them that cats aren't meant to eat and this causes them to have allergies or have gas like yours does. See how he does after a week or two with this. Good luck and let me know how he does.

Ciao, Karen