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anal glands in a cat?

20 16:40:15

I have an adorable lap-hugging 1 year old male neutered catchild who presently has a very smelly bottom.  It appears to be clean, but a foul odor has been hanging around for a week or more.  He's not marking territory (I have adopted male cats before and have seen them"mark")...could he have backed up anal glands?  Do they have to be emptied occasionally as do dogs?  Also can I give him a bath without tramatizing him too much?  And How?  Truly Scrumptious and I thank you (as does my hubby and kids)

could be backed up anal glands, there is one on each side of his anus. have a look and you should be able to tell. if it looks like i big black pimple, then yup it needs to be squeezed. if you cant see anything at all, then its a clean gland.

well, about giving him a bath. if he has never had a bath, it could be very difficult for you and him.
however, yes it can be done. you need BABY shampoo, watered down by half. i always buy a small bottle of baby shampoo and another empty bottle. put half the shampoo in the empty bottle then fill both bottles with water.

now to bath him, remember its NOT the water itself that scares most cats, its standing water, water rising around their feet, so do not plug up the drain in your sink.
i do it in the kitchen sink.
sit him down, get the water warm in the other side of the sink.
use slightly warm water like you would for a human baby.
put one hand on his chest. just above his front legs, below his chin. he will push against your hand and try to raise his legs above your hand, just be firm and push back and talk in soothing tones,
wet him down, soap him up, rinse and then towel dry.
try to make it as quick as possible, and take the towel dry opportunity to wrap him up in a snuggly towel and cuddle him!! dont be alarmed, he will be breathing heavy and he will sound like he is pouting, just kiss his head and talk in those soothing tones, then once the towel has soaked up as much as it can, let him down...he will begin to bathe himself all over again.

now the reason you use baby shampoo on him is this. it cleans the dirt and dander off of him, but NOT the oils from his skin. you see the oil on a cats skin is a MAJOR part of their immune system. you never want to remove that oil during a bath.

good luck