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Decision to add 2 kittens to exsistig older female cat?


I have an important decision to make very very soon. I had two cats. brother & sister for over 19 years. My boy cat Cody passed away from Cancer a couple of weeks ago. A huge loss but I wanted to add a companion to his surviving sister. I discussed it with his centenarian and he thought that was a great idea. I know everything I have to do for the first several weeks. I have a dilemma that arose. I am getting my new little male kitten from an animal rescue center. .He is in a foster home until he is old enough for me to bring him home. He is almost 7 weeks old and has a sister that they want me to take also. I can afford it but am very afraid that my older female cat will barely accept one new kitten but two may be too much. I know she can use the company while I am at work but am afraid to overload the situation. I am sure the kitten will be lonely without his little sister until he bonds with my older female. HELP!!!. I want to make the right decision. I live alone in a household with no children or other pets. They will stay inside and will be fixed. I want to do the right thing for the kittens and my older female cat.. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I need to make a decision very soon.  


I have thought about this long and hard.  Here are a couple of things to remember, while cats do grieve and suffer separation anxiety, it tends not to last too long.  At 19 years, your established cat is set in her ways and not used to any other cats except her long time buddy Cody.  I am not sure she would appreciate new kittens at this time, and certainly not new cats. She is geriatric and probably does not have a lot of time left, herself.  Age 19 is very long lived for a domestic cat.

I would leave her be in peace and see what happens now that Cody is gone.

Secondly, I would not take in a new cat or cats until they are at least 12 weeks old (we do not sell of place kittens until they are at least 4.5 months).

This is my opinion.  I would leave your established cat live out her life in peace.  I am not sure she would appreciate one or a couple of energetic kittens turning her household upside down and inside out.

Best regards... Norm.