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acting strange


my cat had four kittens she seemed to be fine then she started to move the kids around all the time and normally she is not a affection cat but she seems to want my attention and lays by me feet instead of being with her kittens i am concerned i dont see her nursing them. any suggestions?

Hi Susan you didn't mention how old the kittens are. Sometimes you see this behaviour when the kittens are about 3 weeks old. If the kittens are not crying or cold and hungry then it is ok for mom to take a break. Cats will often become more affectionate when they are pregnant and nursing so that is not unusual. If she does not feel 'safe' she will move the kittens more often. Is she in an area that young children, a dog, or other cats can get near her? try to get her into a quiet dark area ie a closet or spare bedroom that no one can come near her and see if she stops moving the kittens. Teresa