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I have an outside cat named Baby shes about 2 years old an has had about 4 litters of kittens, I think she just had another litter but they are not here I think they died. Her nipples are very hard and hot and she just doesn't act like herself, she's eating but not everything like she normaly does, is there something wrong with her? I am worried about her, does any one know anything about this? I don't want anything to happen to her, shes still just a baby yet. Please help me. Thanks Dee


I would take Baby to the vet. You do have her vaccinated, don't you?
If the babies are dead, then the breasts may be swollen due to the pressure of the unused milk. this will pass, but she does not feel well at this time.
Why is she still having kittens? Please have her spayed and she will be happier and healthier. There are so many unwanted outside cats, please stop adding to this population of strays.

Take care of her and spay her.

Good luck,