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Rescued stray


Dear Dr. Auspitz:

We are fostering a stray tortoise-shell cat that was rescued from a parking lot.  When she was brought to me from the rescue organization she had been neutered and vaccinated.  But I notice that her breasts are enlarged, as though she had recently been pregnant.  If she gave birth shortly before her capture, how long will she be engorged?  Apparently no kittens were found with her, and I am told she is about a year old.  She eats and uses the litter, but she seems very lethargic.  Possibly because she is just terrified but a sixth sense tells me she is depressed.  She sometimes lies in the litter box and does not clean herself well.  I know she needs time to learn that she is safe with us, but is there anything else I should know, or anything to look for that would indicate a problem?


Are her breasts truly engorged or the nipples just enlarged?  How long ago was she spayed?

Anyway, if she still has milk and the kittens have been gone for, let's say, about a week, she should be "packing up" (i.e. the milk begins to dry out and the breasts become hard).  The milk will all get reabsorbed which should take no more than another couple of weeks.

There are many reasons for her being a bit lethargic and depressed.  This is not an unusual reaction to the surgery and relocation to a new household.  So, keep an eye on her and see if she does not begin to come out of her shell.  If after a few more weeks, the breasts are still engorged, then you need to take her to your vet.

Remember, you do not know her history and she may be very distrustful of humans (probably for good reason), so it may take a while for her to come around. I would ignore her (except to feed, water, and change litter pans).  Let her come to you on her terms in her own time.

Best regards... Norm.