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Feline desease


I want to know if since my cat already was diagnosed with FIV if I am still allowed to get another kitten to keep him company. He shows absolutely no symptoms and is healthy as a horse. Can the kitten get the disease too?

Nice job on taking on one of the "special ones"!!  FIV is spread through blood.  It goes from the mother to the babies during birth OR through fighting & biting.  I truly would not recommend getting a non-FIV kitten.  Kittens play pretty rough and could you live with yourself if you caused the kitten to get a disease??   

What I would do, and what I personally plan on doing once my current cats pass over the rainbow bridge, is adopt another FIV cat.  There are handfuls of sanctuaries around the country.  Also, animal shelters & humane societies immediately euthanize such cats.  Let them know you'd like a friendly one!!   Cats with this disease can live for many many great years, but you don't want to be responsible for another cat being infected with it.  Such animals should always be "fixed", receive regular vet checks, be kept current on vaccinations, and not be allowed outdoors.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.