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really thin breastfeeding mother


our cat who had kittens 8 weeks ago, seems really thin and underweight.I was
wondering if you have any helpful hints on giving her more nutrition

Within 2-3 days of delivery, a mom-cat's appetite will about double from her pre-pregnancy intake. She will need a near constant supply of a high quality food and water to maintain her weight and health while feeding the kittens. She should also have supplements of vitamin and mineral tablets. She should not look gaunt or thin if her weight is maintained. Ideally, she should weigh the same at weaning as she did when she was bred. You may even consider feeding her kitten food as well as cat food, as much as she wishes. Also, you may purchase the milk substitute Catsure for her (which is like Ensure that we have for humans for supplementing an unhealthily thin person's diet). So basically, for 7 weeks now she may have not been getting enough and so she now needs to be restored and so if I were you, I would employ all of the suggestions above until she is back to a healthy weight.