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Kitten vs Cat


I have a cat and 12 weeks old kitten.  My introduction went well.  I'm at the stage where the kitten is out with the cat.  My cat does not hiss anymore, he shares his food with the kitten and I'm very impressed with my cat Tiger but my kitten Star pounce and attacks Tiger cat which make him chases her to attack and fight.  Tiger jumps on top of her and put his teeth down on her.  My question is will he really bite her to hurt her or just enough to say I mean business and this is what I will do if you don't stop?  I use a water bottle because I'm scared Tiger will hurt her when he goes to bite her.  He's great with her it's just she's the bad one, she provokes him then he gets upset and I think she needs to learn her lesson messing with him.  she really thinks she owns the house now and i only had her since she was 7 weeks old.  Should I be worry about he breaking skin on her?

Hi Tanya,

Don't worry, this is normal kitten type play. And Tiger is responding in the same way. He is, just like you said, teaching Star the boundaries. Let them work it out. I know it looks scary but this is perfectly normal. But remember, both have claws and teeth so sometimes they will hurt each other a little.  It's like kids, when one goes a little too far, sometimes you get a little "Ouch, you hurt me". Then they will forget about it and go on playing. Leave off with the water bottle until they  have a real tussle. You'll know when that will happen. And it may not happen at all. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen