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My cat/new kittens


Hi, my cat is just about 2yo this April, and just gave birth to 3 healthy adorable kittens. I was just wondering if my cat will go through depression after giving birth like some humans do? Also she seems to be moving alot more since giving birth outside of the kitten box and even catch laying outside the box, is this normal?


Congratulations on the new litter.  In our experience, the mama will spend all her time with the kittens for about 3-5 days.  Once the kittens are suckling fine and getting their fill and quieting down between feedings, the mama will take some time out.  I have not seen cats go through post partum depression.

The best way to make sure the kittens are flourishing is to weigh them every day at the same time (I like a digital postal scale) and see that the are gaining weight each and every day.   As long as the kittens are warm and gaining weight, all is well.

Best regards... Norm.