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hairloss in kitten


I have a 2 week old kitten litter of three.He was born solid black.He went from hiar one day to no hair the next.He lost all of his hair on back and most on belly he looks like now he has a full body mohawk.He is eating and behavin normally fora2 week old.If ya got any suggestions plz let me know.I do not see any ring worm,mama and sisters are fine.


It sure sounds like a question for a veterinarian.  I have no idea why a two week old kitten would suddenly lose hair.  I think it is worth getting the kitten checked out by a vet.

Skin problems are often a pain to diagnose and correct, unless they do it on their own.  If it turns out to be a fungus, you cannot treat it until the kitten is much older.

It could be an environemntal allergy, but, I am really guessing.  Anyway, you might try changing the bedding to something washed in a mild hypo-allergenic detergent, to see if that may make a difference.

Good luck & best regards... Norm.