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after pregnancy cat behavior


We havejust given away my cats kittens and her behavior become highly aggressive towards my self and the other cats in our family. Is this normal? Will she ever be the nice cat she was before the kittens were born?
Thank you for your help


I am just guessing at this point, you have not offered very much in the way of information. I have to ask - how old were her babies when you sent them to live with new families? I do recommend that your kitty sees a vet relatively soon just to verify that everything is okay medically, she may have some health issues that have come up recently and it may have nothing to do with being separated from her kittens. It is important to consider though that if you have taken the kittens from the mother before she had a chance to completely wean them she may have an infection in her mammary glands from the milk that the kittens would normally have taken as nutrition. I am sure that your kitty's mood will turn around, but it is important to find out what exactly is going on and whether it is health related or psychological. I would suggest that this kitty sees a vet within 48 hours just to have a medical assessment done and to talk about spaying her to prevent further unwanted litters. The euthanasia rates for cats in shelter systems are staggering and spaying and neutering your cats also has health benefits. Unspayed female cats can have breast cancers, reproductive cancers, infections of the womb and in some cases sexually transmitted infections. I do hope that you find this information helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.