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4 month old kitty


Hello.  I have a 4mth old female kitten, not spayed yet, and two is 6 and the other is 4.  Through some difficult times, they are all getting along quite well now.  The kitten, as far as I can tell, is showing no signs of a heat cycle yet.  I'm hoping that it won't happen until I can get her spayed.  I've been reading about different behavior patterns when a cat is going into heat.  Besides these patterns, if she does, would she try to entice one of my two males?  Also, if that can occur, would it "satisfy" her so that the cycle will cease?

yes she would try and entice them to her by laying in front of them and rolling around and talking to them.If you males arent fixed and they "satisfy" her and she can end up getting preg at 4mons which is really "bad".Females normally go throught their cycle between 4-6mons and most vets say you can get them spayed about 6mons.

Keep me updated!!
