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Cats Runny Mucusy eyes


Hi..We have a house of 9 cats ranging from 6 months to 13 years.  All are strictly indoors and have had all their immunization needles.  Within the last month, one by one, they have developed one runny, mucusy eye. It starts as a red, inflamed eye and continues to weep until it is barely open. It lasts approx. a week or 10 days, but keeps going around.  I have been giving them human Polysporin eye drops (as per the vet), and an eye antibiotic cream, again prescribed by the vet.  I am sure to wipe the tube between uses, as not to keep spreading the germs.  Is this just a viral cold, that will eventually run out, or could it be something more?

There are a number of possible problems. Please read

You will see an in depth discussion of many problems there and what you seem to have going on may be viral  - chronic conjunctivitis perhaps - and not really stoppable. It may be chronic and the only thing you can do is treat to ease the condition but not to put an end to it. If your vet has not discussed this possibility with you, I have to suggest that you get a second opinion from another vet, to be sure any more serious problems have been ruled out and that you are doing all you can, especially sinc eit is getting around to everyone.