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Attacking Elderly Cat for no reason



i have a 9y.o B&W male cat and recently he has taken to attacking and pouncing on my 21y.o. Female tabby. Due to her age and frailty she cannot fight back, i know that she doesnt have long left and i would like her to enjoy her remaining life. Why is he doing this? and is there any way i can get him to stop? ive heard that seperation makes it worse but i am worried he is really hurting her.

any help would be much appreciated

Hi Darryl,

First off, get the younger one to the vet to be checked out. He could have something wrong with him and he is lashing out at the other cat because of this.
Has anything changed lately in your household? Someone new around, or something changed? This will cause a change in behavior like this.
Try a product called Feliway Comfort Zone. This should relax the younger guy so he won't attack your older one. If the attacking behavior continues there are medications that can calm him down. Discuss this with the vet. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen