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Wild Antics

20 16:46:35

Welll...we did exactly as you said, but they haven't changed a bit...still very aggressive behavior from all. Now what?

Followup To
Question -
Dear Barb,
We have four cats, the alpha female cat is four years old.  Then a three year old female, a two year old male, and one year old male, all sterilized, non related to each other.

The three cats have been ganging up on the alpha cat for the past two weeks.  She is currently up in the kitchen cupboards and aon't come down for her potty box or food, unless my wife or I are there to supervise.  
So what happened two weeks ago?  Alpha was accidentally left out on the balcony after sunset. They are indoor cats, but the balcony door is open for their fresh air and sunshine until nightfall when the mosquitoes and wild life come out.  It was closed up without thoroughly checking
 We heard a cat fight and opened the door to find our alpha cat trying to get in.  The neighborhood stray cats must have attacked her.  She was covered in feces, hers or theirs, hard to tell, Our three other cats started growling at A;[ja and things have not been the same since.

We cleaned up Alpha away from the other cats.
And kept her drying in our bedroom away from the other cats.  The next day thinking all would be normal, the three cats continued to growl atAlpha.  I thought maybe she wasn't clean enough of their alien smell, so I gave Alpha the whole beauty treatment every inch.   Next day No luck.  The next few days Alpha urinated whenever she saw one of our other cats and was too afraid to go to the potty box
I was thinking she was marking her scent so the other cats would know it was her.  They just don't recognize her anymore as the alpha cat, their Mama and the one that always cared for them.
Please help, what are the three cats thinking?

Answer -
I think maybe the other three are sensing/smelling her fear.  Something that would help, is bathe them all on the same day, using the same products, so they all smell like each other.  Then, get a fishing-pole-like toy and start playing with them all together.....(even a long string with a piece of fabric, or a feather would work). It may take a few days, but as soon as you can get them to start playing together, with the toy, and your supervision, the faster they will get back on the right track.  Also, keep them in the same room together for awhle... that and the playing and bathing should get them all being friends again.  Let me know how it works out, and if you have any other questions or need other ideas, please write to me.  Hugs, Barb

I am thinking it will pass in time.... but you have to keep up the playing with them, and getting them all to play together.  Did the fishing-pole type toy work out?  You can use a kids fishing pole with a piece of fabric tied to the end of the line....  Tell me how they react to that.  It takes some time and work, but if you get them playing with each other, after a couple of weeks or so...  things should even out.  Usually, that only takes a few days, but some stubborn cats can take a lot longer.  I know it's frustrating, but I really think it will all work out eventually.  I know cats are contrary.... I have two sisters that normally love each other, but now and then the more agressive of the two will just slap the other around for no apparent reason.  Hang in there, be patient, and feel free to write me with more details if it becomes necessary.....  Hugs, Barb