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Ideal weight/nutrition for cats


Hi Becky
I have 2.5 yr old neutered male cat that weighs about 13lbs. When we adopted him he was 9 mths old. We began with Science Diet kitten but gained too fast so changed to adult. He con't to gain so the vet recommended a "lite" version. That only made him seem constantly hungry & crying for food. Now we have him on Nutrience Adult. It seems to be working in that he leaves food in the dish and "grazes" through the day. My question: Is he ok @ 13 lbs? I know that cats should not lose weight too fast. The vet has said he is healthy. Thanks for your time.

Hi Brenda!

Every cat is different. Some cats are bigger than others and would naturally weigh more.  If your vet thinks he is healthy at the weight he is, then I wouldn't worry about it.  Usually , a veterinarian would be the first one to tell you that your cat is not at a healthy weight, so if your vet seems to think 13 lbs is healthy, then I would think he is!  You just happen to have one of the bigger ones!!  

God Bless,