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Not sure if cats do this?


We have had our cat for over 12 years. She has always used a litter box and  lately we have been noticing a clear, slimy liquid on random areas such as our sofa, and my kids little couch.  But the amount of liquid found is a lot as if a whole bucket of water would have spilled on it. Also it has no odor.  Could this be possible? Has anyone ever had this problem? We have not seen our cat do it, but we assume it's her since there is no one else in the house at the time it happens.
Please let me know if you have expereinced something like this before. It has been a mystery for us for the last 2 weeks. She is acting normal.  Nothing abnormal has been brought to our attention to think she is sick.


I would take her to your vet for a check up.  It sounds as if she is throwing up or cannot concentrate her urine.  Either way, at age 12 she is geriatric and it is possible she is having a medical problem, assuming she is the only possible source of the mystery liquid.  Has her water consumption changed?  If she is consuming copious amounts of water, I would suspect kidneys.

Anyway, I would get her to your vet to see what ypu can find.  IF you can take a sample of the mystery liquid, this would alsoi be a good idea.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.