Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Bad cut leg ( continued)

Bad cut leg ( continued)


Thanks for the reply! Yup the Vet fixed everything ;) He is offically mine now. One other question (not cat related) in the thank/rate area, the comments you leave, do they go directly to the expert?  

Hi Skevi, So yes, you have yourself a cat.. now you have to think about names and christmas gifts :)
AND re the comments and the ratings.. that all goes straight to me (the expert) The only time that the webmaster would read them would be if there were complaints about an expert or that type of thing. Otherwise they leave us alone once we have passed the probationary period. They check us out when we first apply and make sure that we have enough knowledge to take care of the questions. They also want us to be answering questions within a couple of days.