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Wet Tail?


My Kitten Viper's genitals are very red, puffy and infected. I'm scared im going to loose her. Is this wet tail? Are there any at home remedies? Please help me save Viper.

Hi James.  Sorry to hear Viper is doing so poorly!  The good news is that wet tail isn't really seen in cats.  The bad news is that cats get diseases that cause very similiar symptoms, and sometimes they can be just as deadly.  Some in particular are coccidia, giardia and the especially worrisome feline distemper virus.

Coccidia and giardia are both protozoan germs, which are most commonly seen in kittens, and can cause life-threatening diarrhea.  Only prescription antibiotics can help control these infections, and without it, some kittens lose their lives to dehydration and malnutrition.

Distemper is a virus that lowers the kitten's white blood cell count, making her unable to fight other infections.  These secondary infections are usually what kill her.  Because distemper is viral, it can't be cured.  Treatment is aimed at preventing dehydration with IV fluids, and providing antibiotics to ward off other infections.  These must be given by a veterinarian.  But if your kitty has been vaccinated against distemper, then you are almost guaranteed to be all clear from this one!

Roundworms are parasites that live in the stomach and intestines of kittens and can cause diarrhea.  This is one of the few things you could try to treat at home, depending on the age and weight of your kitty, since there are over-the-counter treatments for roundworms at pet stores.  But I would strongly advise not to.  The package does not warn against it, but the ingredient in over-the-counter dewormers (piperazine) has an established history of toxicity causing neurological effects, including death.  And one of the published precautions is that it may cause intestinal blockage or rupture.  So I'd rather go with a safer medication prescribed by the vet on that one, too.

You can switch Viper onto some boiled chicken breast mixed with a little boiled white rice, instead of cat food for a couple of days (not balanced for long-term).  This may help to calm her belly.  It's easier to digest than all the ingredients that go into her cat food.  But since her bottom is SO raw already, I don't think whatever's causing her belly troubles can be cured at home.  She should get in to see the vet before the weekend.  Hope she feels better soon!