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my cat had kiittens today


she is a inside outside cat this morning she had her kittens under my bed after she had the 4th i ran a errand and when i came back she was gone she has been away from the kittens for 2 hours i forgot to close the cat door and i can't find her in the house so she had to have went outside i call for her and she does not show up i am starting to get worried is this normal for cats to leave the kittens after they are born what should i do?
                                 thank you

Hi Diane, so I am assuming she left the kittens with you?? this is not normal but it is possible she was still in labour when you went out so she was not behaving normally. Perhaps she went outside to have the last kitten or to pass her afterbirth. Hopefully she will be home by the time you read this. Otherwise just do the same as you would with any other lost cat and get friends and family to help you look for her. Perhaps a neighbour thought something was wrong with her and took her in. If she is not home in 4 hours you will need to start hand feeding the kittens !