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Oh dear!


Hello My name is lori, my friends house recently burned down you can read the story hear if you like, any way when we heard the exsplosion the only thing any one was worried about was getting every one out of the house. When we saw what happened to jayden (the 3 year old every one was centered around him)It was only after the fire was out we could see the real damege. They have many many pets Including barn cats, But one cat had moved her litter into the basment. We thought all of them had died in the fire including there mother. It was a day later when I was helping them salvage what was left for even though the house is still standing the inside is obliterated, I discovered a small grey kitten trapped under some boxes at the underside of the stairs. he was literaly untuched by the fire, but I fear he has lost his ability to meow. He is about 4 weeks old, eating, and using the litter box. But I have a problem, my 5 month old kitten Iris has always acted sencable when I bring in a foster cat but this time was diffrent. She instantly disliked him, she hunts him, and attacts in a very brutal fashion. This is not play. This has been going on for days now and I want to keep him but if Iris keeps it up It just wond be safe for him. All she is interested In is stalking him. I try to let them be but it just gets too brutal. He has already been through so much. What can I do to help Iris understand he is a member of the family.  

Time and patience. I suggest you keep them separated by a see through pet gate or screen or something of that nature so they can see each other through it and start to become familiar, but cannot make any physical contact. I went through a similar adjustment recently with a young one like yours' age and my 10 year old queen of the house, Bookitti. I have to be honets with you, I could not leave them entirely alone together until the baby was 9 months old. But now they are at peace - not really chums but at peace. It could be the starnge smell asscoaited with your kitty from where he has been. It could be anything, but in your case the smell of the fire and associated damage, as in death of the other animals. Give him a really good bath with proper kitten bathing products so you don't dry out his skin. Cats never need baths, but this might not be a bad idea. Also take him to the vet to be sure he has no illnesses. If your cat is detecting some illness, she would not want him anywhere near her. And if you want the kitty to have a happy healthy life, you should make sure he is fully checked out. Anyway, tiem and patience is the only way. Don't leave them to fight it out. Use my tip above and let them take the time they need - and check his health.