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okay my cat is about to have a number of kittens and i dont know what to do she is a barn cat but i want her to have the kittens inside the house but she will not go to the bathroom in a liter box !!! how can i get her to have those kittens in the house she is outside three quarters of the day (except to eat and somtimes loung around ) if anyone could help me .......... mariah

You can provide her with a birthing box inside to see if she'll use it.  A cardboard box big enough for her to stretch out in, about 10 inches tall on all sides, with some clean cloths in the bottom is good.

But to guarantee it, you'd have to keep her inside at all times.  Most cats will learn very easily to use a litter box if you keep them in a small area at first, such as a bathroom.  If there is any solid waste outside the box, move it to the box so she can see it.  Within a few days, they should be using the litter box fine.