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my cats want to go outside


Hi Norman,
   I have two cats and one dog for pets and everytime I let my dog out my cats either get out or they will sit by the door for hours and meow like crazy. My question is how to keep my cats indoors when I let my dog outside?
                                     thanks for the help,
P.S. Both of my cats are indoor cats


You just need to be more diligent.  Cats love to bolt out through opening doors even though they have no idea where the door may lead.

I would also ignore the meowing and pretend they were not doing it.  If cats detect that their meowing is bothering you, they will use this as a means of getting attention.  In time if it no longer gets your attention, they will eventually stop (eventually can be a long time as cats are nothing if not persistent).

What I have found works best for cats is to have a storm door or something in addition to the outside door so that they cannot easily get through both doors at the same time.

Best regards... Norm.