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hair coming out everywhere


how can I help my cats hair from being all over everything? i do brush her everyday.I just can't keep up with it.she is a himalayan.I love her but it it really messy.should I bath her regulary? would that help? thanks  

Hello Dora,
It is helpful to not only brush your cat, but also to comb as well.  The brush will only remove the coat close to the surface, but a comb will get down to the skin and thru to the undercoat, which is  wherethe problem begins.  Should you decide to bathe her, be absolutely sure that the brushing and combing is complete, and that there is NO matting or tangled coat.  You will be able to tell, if the comb meets resistance when moving from the skin to the outer coat. Bathing will help remove some of the loose coat, but if she is bathed while matted, the water will serve only to tighten the matts closer to the skin, and those matts will take a long time to dry, much like a sponge.  It may be a good idea to seek out a groomer in your area who works with cats (not all groomers do) and take her in for an assessment and suggestions as to what will be the best coat care.  I have a maincoon cat who sheds like a mad man, so I keep him in a 'lion clip', with all his coat taken down short except for a mane around his neck area.  This is the best way for me, personally, to keep up with the coat.
Hope this has been helpful, and thank you for your inquiry and your interest in this site.