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yes.. i got woke up my mother cat that alwasy sleep with me and she had a dead kitten that came out butt first in her. well i waited about 2 hours to see if she would have it on her own and nothing was happening so i had to put it out and it was not even develop good yet. my question is . is there a possibleable that she has more inside of her and if so what do i need to do.. she had the first two litters very good.. but this one isthe first time it happen. i dont want to lose my cat. i bottle raise her.. could u please help me thank u


I understand your concern but you need to call your vet. He probably will have to physically check her to tell you if there are more kittens, or any dead kittens in her. She would need them taken out if there were any. Hopefully there isn't. I can't do it over the internet. If she is having difficulties, straining, panting, etc. now and nothing is happening then I would call an emergency veterinarian right away.

She may still have kittens in her and they may develop normally, and she may give birth to them normally. But only a vet can tell you that for sure.

I can give you some links to read about problem pregnancy. I hope that will help some. Copy and paste or type the whole links into your address bar:

To make sure this doesn't happen again to her please spay her as soon as you can. You will have a happier and healthier cat if you do.
