Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > desexing



hi my cat is due to have kitten soon and i want to get her desexed after she has them could you please tell me how long do i have to wait to get her desexed or can i do it straight away

Well, hopefully the delivery will proceed normally -- in that case, you should wait until the kittens are weaned, eating on their own, and have had their first shots. The spay surgery will put mom out of commission for about 24-36 hours so they will need to be able to fend for themselves for that amount of time.

On the other hand, if -- god forbid -- you should have problems with the delivery and need to have a C-section (not usual with mixed-breed cats but you never know) you can have her spayed at the same time without affecting her ability to care for the kittens. She should still be able to nurse them.

Hope this helps.
