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siemese 16yrs starting to bellow at night etc


Lucy is 16yrs, very smart, sits, knows the word No, opens the cupboard door, making it bags constantly if her food is low, comes when you call and obeys commands. The last few months she has taken to bellowing, loud meows for a hours at night, for no reason? We always check she has food, clean water, clean litter tray.............we think she's bored. She was never a play ball kinda cat, more a princess, play till she got warm and then wandered off......i started to wake her up in the day, but I'm not always here all day. Should I get another cat opt keep her company or is there something else I can do? Or am I missing something health wise?
Many thanks......Sleepless in Florida!


Lucy, at age 16, is geriatric, and, like people, geriatric cats do come down with physical problems even if they have been healthy all of their lives.  So, I would take her to your vet and explain what is going on to at least see if something is amiss healthwise. Siamese are also known for having loud, "boistrous" voices, when they want!!!!!!

The problem with getting Lucy company, is that she is used to being the only cat and may not take too kindly to another cat sharing the household with her. Cats are creaturs of habit and, at age 16, a radical change in the household routine could be somewhat traumatic.

If all else fails, what does work is the ear plugs you get from the airlines for helping sleep on overnight flights. I have found these very comfortable and excellent at drowning out noise. This may not be the solution you might have been looking for, but it is inexpensive and works rather well.

Best regards... Norm.