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cat peeing and deficating on my bed


I'm the owner of four cats and my problem is that recently one of them started peeing on my bed right in front of me, and then a few days ago started deficating on my bed right next to me when I'm sleeping and peeing on my husband's side where his feet are. Can you please help me? My girls are not kittens and the one that is doing it is almost 5 years old. I really don't want to get rid of her, but I certainly can't have her doing this digusting thing anymore either. I'm losing sleep because I wake now suddenly to make sure she is not going to potty next to me anymore.


My first recommendation with any case of inappropriate elimination is that the cat be examined thoroughly by a qualified vet including blood and urine tests. It is possible that the cat who is eliminating outside of the litter box has a bladder infection, crystals in her urinary tract or even an issue with the bowels that is causing discomfort. Any one of these issues is painful which is why they must be treated promptly. If there are no health issues found that could explain this behavior then it should be approached from a different angle. If the issue is purely behavioral then it is important to look at what has changed in the environment. Have you recently moved? Have you had a baby or had someone new (animal or human) move into the house? Have you started using a different laundry soap or fabric softener that this kitty may be sensitive to? Are your cats fighting with each other? How many litter boxes are in the house? What kind of litter are you using? Are you paying less attention to the cats lately for some reason? Some cats are sensitive to scents and dyes just like human beings can be. If there is an issue with dominance or favoritism between your cats you will need to observe the situation carefully and try to send me some more details so that I can give you suggestions that are more likely to work. I usually recommend one litter box per cat plus one per level of your home to help get a handle on the situation. It is best to be sure that these litter pans are filled with an unscented clumping kitty litter. You can purchase disposable litter boxes at most pet stores which will allow you to slowly remove one litter pan at a time until you have five left. If there is an issue with dominance or bullying between the cats in your home there is a chance that the cat who is soiling your bed is being kept away from the litter box or beaten up while in the box which is why she has resorted to try and communicate her fear and upset to you. It is important to realize that your cat isn't eliminating in the bed to make you angry - she is trying to communicate with you. Unfortunately her method of communication is viewed as anti-social by humans, but the reality is that she really doesn't have the ability to get her point across any other way. It is also possible that there is an issue within the household that is causing anxiety such as a new baby, the addition or subtraction of a family member. It is important to use an enzymatic cleaner to remove the odor and stains from your bedding. An enzymatic cleaner uses beneficial bacteria to destroy the components of organic substances such as urine, feces and vomit that cause odors. You can usually find enzymatic cleaners in pet or janitorial supply stores. If your cat is not ill and doesn't respond to the basic suggestions of having more litter boxes, using unscented litter/not using an air freshener in or near the box, cleaning the boxes at minimum once a day and being sure that the litter boxes are located in quieter areas of the house where they can eliminate in private then it is possible for your vet to treat your cat with a small dose of human anti-anxiety/anti-depressant drugs. It is important that you realize that these drugs must only be prescribed by a qualified vet and that regular monitoring is important. I also think that you should be aware that these drugs aren't without risks or side effects and treatment with them should be carefully considered. Ultimately if you can find the reason that the behavior started and you are able to successfully correct it before going outside the box becomes a habit then you have the best chance of success. One of the not so obvious reasons that I recommend using extra litter pans in the short term is because the urinating and defecating outside of the box may be an issue of the cat lacking the proper control over her bowels and bladder or even disputes over territory between the cats. If your cats aren't spayed and neutered it is very possible that the issue is hormonal as cats who are intact will use urine and feces to mark their territory much more frequently than those who are spayed and neutered. If you are unable to determine the cause of your kitty's inappropriate elimination you can ask your vet for a referral to an animal behaviorist. An animal behaviorist will be able to work with your cat, your vet and your family to help change your kitty's behavior. If your cat is overly timid I would suggest that before you start any treatment with prescription medications you try a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy which is a blend of flower essences designed to calm and reassure. I have found Rescue Remedy to be a very useful tool in helping to deal with issues that are anxiety or fear based. Rescue Remedy is very safe and is even used in some vet clinics worldwide. You can generally purchase Rescue Remedy at health food/natural health stores. In some cases helping your cat with anxiety issues can be instrumental in solving issues like this. For the time being I would recommend that you not allow any of the cats into any of the bedrooms in your home. Once the issue is solved you can slowly allow the cats back in to the bedrooms with supervision until you are sure that the problem is solved.  I hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions, concerns or you would simply like to send an update my way please don't hesitate to contact me again.