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Painful tail


My cat keeps circling his tail but not in a playing chaseful way he keeps going slowly in circles and when I tried to touch his tail he jumps and appears maybe to be in pain it is so hard to tell sometimes they can I it well but I usually can tell and he seems to be in pain or agitated and it seems to be from is tail

Is it possible that he could have caught his tail in a door you were closing, or that someone could have stepped on it? I don't want you to think I'm accusing you of anything, I've done this accidentally many times, fortunately with no serious or lasting results.

Is it the entire tail that is sensitive? Wait till he is still and stroke his head gently, then his back, then the base of the tail. If you get no reaction, go to the tip. See if you can find whether there is a specific area that seems sensitive to him. If so, look closely for any swelling/bruising. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, appearance-wise, I would take him to a vet. He could have broken a bone in his tail, this does happen.

If you don't notice anything specific on close examination, then watch for other signs that he is uncomfortable. Is he eating normally? Drinking? Using the box?  If he is in pain, he may not do any of these things and he may not move around much. That would be another sign that he should see a vet.
But if he IS eating etc., then I'd keep an eye on him over the weekend and try to get him to a vet on Monday if this behavior and tail sensitivity persists.

Hope this is helpful
