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A cats memory...



I had to make an unavoidable trip out of the country.  I will be gone 4 months and my two cats are currently staying with my mother.

I moved them to my mothers after moving out of my apartment.  They have lived at my mothers before, so it is not a new place for them.

My cats are approximately 3.5 years old.  I got them very young, abandoned on the street.  One cat was 3 weeks and the other 5 weeks.

I have a relationship with my cats as if they were my kids.  I show them more love at times then I even do myself.

My fear is that I won't have the same relationship with them when I get back.  I haven't been apart from them for more than a few weeks.

Unfortunately I didn't leave any things behind with my scent.  But I did make sure to bring over their bed, blanket, toys, and feeding dishes.

What are the odds that they will not act the same when I get back?



Your kitty may be upset with you for awhile when you come back home. I think that you'll probably get the kitty version of the cold shoulder for awhile, but once you've come back home and gotten them settled back into their familiar routine they should come around shortly. These cats won't forget you, it sounds like they're spoiled rotten and although it might take some time to get back on track I don't see the absence as causing permanent damage to your relationship with your feline friends.