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Cat not going in litter box


I just purchased a new litter box for my cat, it's the same one as my old one. I also purchased a new kind of litter for it. My cat refuses to go in it, she hisses at it and is very scared of it. I went out and bought her old litter that she always used, and she still will not go in the litter box, what do I do?


I would confine her to a cage (wire dog crates do well), where all the floor space is taken up with litter pans except for a food and water dish.  This usually works pretty well.

I am also giving you a link to an excellent article on feline house soiling problems that may give you some other tips.

Another thing you will want to do is to clean where she has gone inappropriately with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet odors and pet stains.  These are available from your local pet supermarket or farm store.

Best regards... Norm.