Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > 8 yr old male siamese cat

8 yr old male siamese cat


My cat has been losing his hair on his backside for amost six months; do you know of any reason why this would be happening to him?  He does not appear to be licking himself on his backside, and otherwise is perfectly healthy and happy.


Just because you do not see your Siamese licking himself in the backside does not mean he is not doing it.  It could be anything from intestinal parasites to clogged anal glands to an allergy to something you recently changed (for example his type or brand of kitty litter) to a skin problem of some kind to who knows what. There are so many possibilities for the problem.

I would take him to your veterinarian to find out what is going on.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.