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Litter for declawed kittens


My kitten was declawed and the vet gave me paper pellets to put in the litter box.  My kitten peed and made cockie in the bed.  I was wondering for there was something else I could use instead of these pellets.  I tore up newspaper and put it over the pellets.  What do you recommend as an alternative. I don't want him to pee around the house .


There is a product called Cat Attract that you might try.  When you change types or brands of litter, some cats really object and proceed to have inappropriate toilet behavior.  You should be able to find Cat Attract in any pet supermarket.

Also, any areas where the kitten peed or pooped inappropriately should be cleaned up with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors, also available fro pet supermarkets or farm stores.

I am giving you a link to a series of articles on inappropriate litter box habits which may have further useful suggestions:

Pleas come back to me if you have further questions.

Best regards... Norm.