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Trying to take my Siamese to the Vet


Hello Jessica,

I have a 10 year old female Siamese who is an angel at home, I try to take her to the vet and she turns into monster cat, She is way past due for her shots and to get to the point here  is the problem, she gets really angitated when she gets a shot and start to foam at the mouth, we tried giving her Benadryl and she foams from this too, pupils dialate and gets crazy I have had the Vet come to my house and she still does the same thing but not quite as bad, but she still foams and gets really twitchy and bites herself and me, not hard, I am soo scared I am going to lose her and I hate to go thru all of this, but where I live rabies are required for cats plus she does go outside on the patio , supervised, in the summer and I worry about feline leukemia etc, any ideas?


Hi Deb.  Sounds as though your kitty is beyond most of the calming techniques (using Feliway spray in her crate [see], giving her a helping of catnip 1/2 hour prior to the trip, although you could give these a shot).  A real prescription sedative may be needed with your poor girl!  I have a cat who is the same way.  She has been prescribed acepromazine.  It's meant to act within 1-2 hours.  However, I find it reaches its peak around 6 hours after given.  I would ask your vet if this would be an appropriate choice in your case.