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Cat poop outside the litter box

20 16:44:06

Dear Barb,

I have two cats (one male 9-years-old and one female 8-years-old.)  One (or both) of them recently started pooping outside the litter box, in the bathroom, in the dining room, etc.  This only happens at night when my husband and I are sleeping.  What could be the reason for this?

Thank you,

Hi Teah,

This is a common problem for which no one has come up with an answer that I know of.  Has their been a change in their lives?  Cats react pretty strongly to even the mildest changes in their lives.  Try putting a puppy pad under the litter box... this usually extends way beyond the area of the litter box and will catch the poop so it doesn't go on the floor.  Hopefully, whoever is doing this, will outgrow the behavior if the conditions that started it settle down.  If the problem continues or gets worse, maybe a trip to the vet with them would not be out of order.  One of them could have a problem that you are unaware of.  Good luck and write again if you feel I can help.  Barb