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pregnant cat signs


hi becky, my cat jopy is about 15mo old. she is a fluffy long hair. today she desided to become more loveable than normal. while petting her i felt some very large movements in her belly. i tryed to do some research on the net but havent found yet what im looking for i hope you can help. she is being very lasy and upon inspection of her teats i noticed they were hard. i never noticed her belly getting bigger because of her being so fluffy. could you possibly know when i could expect some beautiful babys? also she runs outside alot so i am not sure of when she mated, thanks for all you can do, patty and jopy

HI Patty,

Sorry, but there is no way to positivley tell if you don't know when she was bred.  From what you are saying, though, probably soon!
You need to have her spayed after the kittens are weaned.  She can get pregnant again right away.

God Bless,