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My cat Chino


I'm not sure if you can help me, but my male cat Chino started showing symptoms of a rash about a year ago. they started off as small patches with hair loss around them. i took him to the vet and he told me that they were cause by food allergies and gave him a steroid shot. I switched his food to premium as recommended and the hair grew back, but within 6 weeks and started up again. i have a total of 4 cats and the others are all fine. Chino goes thru spurs of getting rashes, but aside from that he is extremely active and has a good appetite. He does not complain if I touch the rashes. he is a year and 1/2 and about 15lbs. Other than the rashes and hair loss, he's fine. Do you have any explanations?


I think your vet is on the right track.  It is an allergy, but not necessarily a food allergy.  The problem with allergies is the detective work it takes to figure out what Chino is allergic to.  Have you changed anything in his environment, even to what detergent you are using to wash his bedding?  You need to think of anything and everything you may have changed.

One thing we never know about is when pet food companies decide to change their formulations.  This can also introduce allergens.  

The steroid shots last for about 6 weeks, so the rashes have started up again right on time.

I am afraid you may be in for a long haul to find the allergens.  I wish I could give you a quick fix, but that is not to be.  I would consult again with your vet and explain that the premium food may have the same problem.  I would also suggest an environmental problem, as well.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.