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Cat discharge


I have adopted a kitten about 3 months old from some people who were looking after her. She has a vaginal discharge that is clear and sticky. Is this normal? She has never been to a vets as far I know.

Hi Megan,

This isn't normal for a 3-month-old but could be normal for a kitten a few months older if you don't know her exact age.  This can indicate that the kitten is in estrus, or "heat", the time during which she can become pregnant.  Most kittens enter their first heat around 6-9 months of age, but very rarely, some can be as young as 4 months.  Other symptoms of heat can include excessive meowing, chirping, being overly affectionate, rolling around on the floor and raising her rump in response to petting.  If you notice these signs, be sure to keep her away from males.  For her to become pregnant at this young age will be very dangerous to her health.  She should see a vet to schedule an appointment for her to be spayed as soon as possible.  If you get her spayed before her second heat or even her third, you can greatly reduce her chances of mammary cancer later in life.  

If the vaginal discharge develops any thickness, odor or color, get her to the vet right away.  Also, be on the lookout for loss of appetite, a decrease in activity, or a sensitive abdomen.  These are signs of either a vaginal or uterine infection, which can be dangerous and even fatal.  Antibiotics or an emergency spay surgery will be in order if an infection is present.

Best wishes!
