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Cat absess


My 13 yr old tamed feral cat had what the vet called an absess burst under her jaw.  I didn't realize and didn't ask at the time, but how could it be an absess if she doesn't go outside now?  She's be inside for almost 2 years now. Could it have been something else?

Hi Deb,

Depending on its exact location, it may have been caused by dental disease.  Serious tooth and gum infections can actually abscess through the bone, and other oral infections can abscess through the soft tissues in the mouth.  

Cats can also cause abscesses by scratching, due to the grooves under their nails.  These grooves harbor lots of bacteria, and if a cat scratches herself hard enough to puncture the skin, an abscess can easily result.

Also, with the way cats mark items around the house with their scent from their cheek glands, they can sometimes suffer punctures on the chin from sharp objects that we don't realize are exposed.

If the abscess doesn't respond to antibiotics, however, I would certainly have a biopsy done.  Most times, abscesses are easy to diagnose by looking at, but sometimes cancer or polyps can cause a discharge that might cause some confusion.

Best of luck!
